January 27, 2014

TimerQueueTimer in C# [Part -2]

In the last post I have shown the definition of TimerQueue class along with it's usage. One of the class used by TimerQueue class is "Heap<double, TimerQueueEvent>". The first generic argument double represents the type for time delay in ms (its the priority, read-on) and second argument TimerQueueEvent represents the type which holds reference to call-back to be invoked on timeout and argument to be passed to call-back.

        // Represents an event in the event queue.
        class TimerQueueEvent : ICloneable
            // The action to be invoked on time-out.
            public WaitCallback CallBack { get; set; }
            // The argument to be passed to action on time-out.
            public Object State { get; set; }
            // The time in future when the action gets invoked.
            public TimeSpan TimeOut { get; set; }

            public object Clone()
                return this.MemberwiseClone();

Heap is an implementation of priority queue in C#, its a special queue which can store collection of values along with its priority. The value with highest priority will be always be at the top, and when removed, the value with next highest priority will be at the top.

The important point to note is, time complexity associated retrieving and adding value to heap is O(log n).

There are two variations of heap, min heap and max heap. A min heap uses ascending priority where the smallest item is the first to be popped from the heap. A max heap uses descending priority where the largest item is the first to be popped. In TimerQueue we used min heap i.e. item with less priority will be in the top and we used time delay as the priority

Given below the generic heap definition, which can be used either as a min heap or as a max heap.  Behavior of the heap i.e. min or max can be defined using IComparer argument in the constructor

        // Comparer used to make the heap as min heap, we store the events
        // in the queue such that event with minimum time-out must
        // be in the top.
        public class DoubleComparer : IComparer<double>
            public int Compare(double value1, double value2)
                return (int)(value1 - value2);


The heap is instantiated as:

            Heap<double, TimerQueueEvent> eventQueue =
new Heap<double, TimerQueueEvent>(queueSize, new DoubleComparer(), null);

    // An implementation of generic heap data structure. T1 is the type of the
    // priority and T2 is the type of items needs to be stored in the heap.
    // The behavior of the heap i.e. min heap or max heap can be defined using
    // IComparer argument in the constructor.
    public class Heap<T1, T2>
        // Represents an entry in the heap.
        class HeapItem
            public T1 Priority { get; set; }
            public T2 Item { get; set; }

        HeapItem[] Collection;
        IComparer<T1> Comparer;
        readonly T2 DefaultValue;
        int LastIndex;

        // Gets the maximum capacity of the heap.
        public int MaxSize
                return Collection.Length;

        // Creates a priority queue of capacity 'maxSize'. The comparer is used
        // by the heap to compare the priorities, the behavior of the heap i.e.
        // work as min heap or max heap is decided by the comparer.
        // MinHeap : int r = comparer.Compare(a, b), r < 0 if a < b, r > 0 if a > b
        // MaxHeap : int r = comparer.Compare(a, b), r < 0 if a > b, r > 0 if a < b
        public Heap(int maxSize, IComparer<T1> comparer, T2 defaultValue)
            Comparer = comparer;
            Collection = new HeapItem[maxSize];
            LastIndex = -1;
            DefaultValue = defaultValue;

        // Given index of a (child) node, gets index of the parent node
        // if the index is of root node then return -1.
        // O(1)
        int GetParentIndex(int index)
            return index <= 0 ? -1 : (int)Math.Floor(((double)index - 1) / 2);

        // Given index of parent node, gets the index of its left child
        // node. If parent has no left child return -1.
        // O(1)
        int GetLeftChildIndex(int index)
            int leftIndex = 2 * index + 1;
            return leftIndex > LastIndex ? -1 : leftIndex;

        // Given index of parent node, gets the index of its right child
        // node. If parent has no right child return -1.
        // O(1)
        int GetRigtChildIndex(int index)
            int rightIndex = 2 * index + 2;
            return rightIndex > LastIndex ? -1 : rightIndex;

        // Exchange the values at the given indices.
        // O(1)
        void Exchange(int index1, int index2)
            HeapItem temp = Collection[index1];
            Collection[index1] = Collection[index2];
            Collection[index2] = temp;

        // Restore the heap property of the balanced tree if it is
        // violated at 'index'.
        // This function requires the subtrees rooted at left
        // and right child node of the node at 'index' to be heap.
        void Heapify(int index)
            int leftIndex = GetLeftChildIndex(index);
            // The structural property of the heap ensure that the nodes
            // at the last level are as left as possible, this means if
            // leftIndex == -1 then 'index' is a leaf node.
            if (leftIndex == -1)

            int rightIndex = GetRigtChildIndex(index);
            // No right child means there is only left child for node at 'index'
            // and 'index' is at 'lastlevel -1' level
            if (rightIndex == -1)
                if (Comparer.Compare(Collection[leftIndex].Priority,
                    Collection[index].Priority) < 0)
                    Exchange(leftIndex, index);


            HeapItem minOrMaxItem;
            // Gets child node (left or right) with maximum or minimum priority
            if (Comparer.Compare(Collection[rightIndex].Priority,
                Collection[leftIndex].Priority) < 0)
                minOrMaxItem = Collection[rightIndex];
                minOrMaxItem = Collection[leftIndex];

            // restore the heap property at 'index' if required and apply heapify
            // recursively for the sub tree rooted at modified child node.
            if (Comparer.Compare(minOrMaxItem.Priority,
                Collection[index].Priority) < 0)
                if (minOrMaxItem == Collection[rightIndex])
                    Exchange(rightIndex, index);
                    Exchange(leftIndex, index);

        // Returns the item in the top of the heap without removing it.
        // If heap is empty then return the value set as default by user.
        // If this is a min heap then top item will be the item with
        // minimum priority, if its a max heap then top item will be
        // the item with maximum priority.
        // O(1)
        public T2 Peek()
            return LastIndex == -1 ? DefaultValue : Collection[0].Item;

        // Insert an item to heap with a given priority. Throws IndexOutOfRangeException
        // if the heap is full.
        // O(log n)
        public void Push(T1 priority, T2 item)
            if (LastIndex >= MaxSize - 1)
                throw new
                    IndexOutOfRangeException(String.Format("Heap reached its maximum capacity {0}", MaxSize));

            Collection[LastIndex] = new HeapItem
                Priority = priority,
                Item = item

            int index = LastIndex;
            int parentIndex = GetParentIndex(index);
            while (parentIndex != -1 &&
                Comparer.Compare(Collection[index].Priority, Collection[parentIndex].Priority) < 0)
                Exchange(index, parentIndex);
                index = parentIndex;
                parentIndex = GetParentIndex(index);

        // Remove the top element from the heap and return it. If the heap is
        // empty then return the value set as default by user.
        // O(log n)
        public T2 Pop()
            if (LastIndex == -1)
                return DefaultValue;

            HeapItem minOrMaxItem = Collection[0];
            // Index needs to be decremented by 1 before calling Heapify.
            if (LastIndex != -1)
                Collection[0] = Collection[LastIndex + 1];

            return minOrMaxItem.Item;


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